EN 60695-11-10:2014-02 EN 60695-11-20:2015-08 [UL 94] Fire hazard testing
EN 60695-11-10:2014-02
EN 60695-11-20:2015-08 UL 94
Fire hazard testing. Test methods for flammability of materials using a small flame ignition source (50W or 500W) in horizontal or vertical orientation of the test specimen.
The above methods were developed to assess the flame spread characteristics of materials made of plastics. These tests determine the following classes: HB, V, 5V.
In many countries, these tests are commonly referred to as UL-94. Having specific material classes is a requirement in various industries such as automotive, railway, electrical and electronics engineering.
The test involves subjecting precisely dimensioned specimens to a controlled flame source with a power of 50W (for HB and V classes) or 500W (for 5V class) after appropriate conditioning. During the exposure to the flame, the flame spread distance and its propagation speed across the specimen are measured. Based on the measured values, the linear flame spread rate is calculated.